Monday, January 07, 2008

Come Again?

I wonder how many people have had a conversation like this one.

Person: America is the greatest country ever. All other countries are number two or lower. That is why it is ok that we do whatever we want in the world, because we are the best country there is and thus we are always justified in our actions.

Me: Ok, point taken. Just our of curiosity, what makes the ole USofA so great? Do not get me wrong, I love this country too, but I want to understand where you are coming from in this opinion.

Person: The fact that we are more free than any other country in the world. Also, we are more prosperous than any other nation.

Me: Excellent! What makes us more free than say Canada?

Person: Our Constitution and the way this country was founded. Look at what we have done in the last 200 years that all these other nations have not. It is because we are more free.

Me: Cool, so you are against the Patriot Act, revocation of Habeas Corpus, torture and laws or actions by the government that violate the constitution.

Person: Well... no. All those things are ok because they are for our own protection against the terrorists.

Me: But... you just said that what sets us apart from everyone else was our freedom. Do you think taking away our individual liberties and violating the document they are based upon is diminishing what makes us great by your estimation?

Person: Well of course not, we have to win against the terrorists right? Sometimes you have to change the rules to win. Plus, the constitution is a little outdated anyhow.

Me: Wait... I thought you said that our freedom is what makes us great. How does being less free establish your position?

Person: Why do you hate this country so much? If you do not like it why not just move somewhere else?

Me: I think you are diverging from the topic. I never said I did not like America. I do not see how supporting the constitution and every Americans right to personal liberty translates to hating this land.

Person: If you do not want these laws in place you want the terrorists to win, therefore you must not love America. Or you are a coward who just wants to surrender to them.

Me: Say wha...?

Is it just me or does basic reasoning go out the window anytime islam or terrorists are mentioned? Sometimes I feel like im on crazy pills.


Cara said...

Who was that? Dad?

You're not on crazy pills, but it takes more than one than one conversation to undo political propaganda and brain washing. Good luck big brother. You're fighting a noble but losing war.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that sounds about right. "Why do you hate America" is a common sheep-term heard the past few years. 'cause if you don't like the president, you must hate America. Or something.