Thursday, September 21, 2006

Where are the great philosophers?

I suppose that you have to be dead in order to be recognized by the world as a great philosopher. I was just musing over the Pope's latest speech which has 'riled up the muslim street'. A thought occurred to me, if Ibn Rashd were alive today he would have risen up and challenged the Vicar to a lively debate. The world would have groaned under the spidery threads of their theological discourse. Great scholars would debate their words for weeks to come.

The masses would sit by, scratching their heads until someone gave them a thirty second soundbite of what these guys were discussing. It would be lively and interesting. Also, the streets of Kabul wouldnt look like Oakland after the raiders just lost a game. I am willing to wager that there are modern day Ibn Rashd's out there. Only they dont have a voice loud enough to reach the western world. Instead we have guys like Muqtada al-Sadr (who take advantage of the disenfranchised and desperate) who the get all the press. The world can do better than this.

Im a moderate really!

I was just looking back through my last few posts and I sound like some blubbery peta (or something similar) zealot. In truth Id say I am a well adjusted moderate. I simply have a healthy disliking towards our current executive branch. With good reason I think.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Recipe for making terrorists

Note: I pulled this from a website, but I thought it was interesting enough that id post it.

1) Detain 12000 Middle Eastern men

2) Separate from wife, kids, family, and put them into prisons half way around the world

3) Don't tell them why they're there, or tell their family where they are

4) Occasionally pile them into naked pyramids with other detainees, have dogs snap at them, and ugly G. I. broad with cigarette pose next to pile

5) Let stew and simmer for upwards of 3 years, occasionally whipping into a lather

6) Voila! Terrorist is now complete-release back into the environmment from which they came, only it no longer exists-their family is either dead or gone, their house is bombed-out, their job doesn't exist any more, and they're a little miffed about some of this. NOW they really Are a terrorist, hell bent on extracting a little revenge. George, if you can't find terrorists, you might as well make them.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Movie Review: The Illusionist

This is your standard love story. Soooo common in fact that you probly have seen this happen with some of your friends. It goes something like this. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Girl is a Duchess and her family doesnt want her associating with her peasant dog swine boyfriend. Boy is threatened with death if he sees girl again. Boy leaves and travels the world for 15 years, becomeing a master illusionist along the way. Boy returns to find his beloved betrothed to a prince who just happens to be an easy to hate rich prick. Boy gets prince killed and wins the girl. Talk about a Grimm's fairy tale ending huh? Oh, and his name is Eisenheim.

EISENHEIM! aka Ironhome
I am still not sure why they chose that name, but I'll find out. Kinda badass sounding no?

The Good

Edward Norton: Need I elaborate?

Jessica Biel: Obviously this isnt in order of best of the good things first, but still, she wasnt bad. I actually believed she was a real actress when I saw her in this movie. Usually you see her in movies like, "Return to the Black Latrine". But no, real move, real actors, and she was in it. She wasnt bad either.

Paul Giamatti: To come off of a stunning piece like Lady in the Water to this was just a great choice in job selection. After said Lady film, this perspicacious reviewer expected nothing less than a top notch performance. You will be happy to note, your erudite reviewer was not disappointed.

Rufus Sewell: Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Hmm.... I mean always the badguy never the hero. But damnit he is a great bad guy! Its so easy to think of him as such a big asshole. He does a pretty good job of it in this movie too. I watched the making of some movie he was in once and they said this guy throws huge orgies or something. Go fig.

Aside from the actors, who were just a great cast, this movie was set in the Victorian period. How cool is that? I know what you are thinking, didnt they wear goofy military uniforms back then? Well yes they did, but we must look past that. The illusions were also most excellent.

The Bad

There were some things which upon cursory reflection look like continuity isssues.

Who was the disappearing old dude? Was he just a tie in to get the kid interested in magic?

How did the sword trick work? When did he have time to get the jewel?

If she was wounded on the left side of her neck, why was the right side of her horse bloody?

Also, what was with Sewel's mustache? He looked like he had a muskrat tail attached to his nose.

The movie isnt full of action, its slower, but still interesting. If you adore movies like XXX you might not get this movie.

The Rating:
I give it an 8. A very strong, well acted, beautifully put together flick.

23rd Qualm

George Bush is my shepherd; I dwell in want.
He maketh logs to be cut in national forests.
He leadeth trucks into the still wilderness.
He restoreth my fears.
He leadeth me in the paths of international disgrace for his ego's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of pollution and war,
I will find no exit, for thou art in office.
Thy tax cuts for the rich and thy media control, they discomfort me.
Thou preparest an agenda of deception in the presence of thy religion.
Thou anointest my head with foreign oil.
My health insurance runneth out.
Surely megalomania and false patriotism shall follow you for last days of
Thy term,
And my jobless child shall dwell in my basement forever