Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Disturbing things...

  • Congressional resolutions that have no binding enforcement on the war in Iraq.

  • The dollar dropping in value so fast that gravity has to catch up to it (and what that represents).

  • Pictures of Bea Arthur naked.

  • People who mistreat good gin.

  • Little bits of cartilage that sometimes ends up in ground meat.

  • Pictures of Bea Arthur naked.
  • Sunday, September 30, 2007

    Amerikan cinema pisses me off sometimes

    Everytime I see a movie talk about "Freedom" I want to wince. For some reason this term is so popular that people want to put it in movies as some generic rallying cry. They don't explain what "Freedom" actually means to the ones who proclaim how much they love it though. It's just some fucking random ass flag that is supposed to make people feel good and have the sympathize with the 'good guys'. I am so tired of hearing about "Freedom". I'd rather hear about how they want better lives, better jobs, more food for their kids... but fucking "Freedom"? I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. It's too generic, too market researched. They and their "Freedom" can kiss my ass until they explain what that means in their minds.

    Oh, and another thing... what's with these assholes in medieval movies drawing swords with a 'shclliing!' noise? That means that their scabbard would have a metal rim that they draw the sword through. Dragging a sharp blade through a flat metal rim would dull a weapon to the point that any hero would die a quick death because his blade is too dull to punch through armor. Yes it is more dramatic, but c'mon, they can't think of anything better than that? Oi! Where has realism gone in cinema? I just want a little. BY ODIN'S RAVENS HUGIN AND MUNIN! GIVE ME SOME REALISM PEOPLE!