Friday, November 04, 2005

New Body Measurement Offers Better Test for Obesity Health Risks

The best test for obesity -- at least, when it comes to predicting heart attacks -- isn’t BMI (body mass index), the researchers write.

Instead, it’s the ratio of the measurement of your waist to your hips. It boils down to wider hips and slimmer waists. Larger waists were bad news; larger hips were a plus...

Abdominal fat, represented by a wider waistline, has been linked to heart risks. Wider hips may mean bulkier bones and stronger gluteal muscles, write the researchers.

I can live with that. I like the fact that what I find pleasing to the eye is also the way things should be. It didnt show the actual suggested ratio for men and women, but it sounds pretty reasonable. Though I think for the most part this is basically common sense.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Two Primary Laws of Drinking

Heed my words ye drunkards, bow your head's in veneration. I present to you your sacred covenant.

1. The Law of the Open Bottle-
Thou shalt share thy booze if thou have it and thy friends do not. Let them sup the nectar of Bachhus's goodness.

2. The Law of Round Reciprocity-
(Also known as the Buy Back Law)
Thou shalt buy a drink for thy friend upon thy next opportunity, if he hast purchased thee one recently. Thou must close the circle of the drink purchase so that it may beginneth again.

These are not the droids you are looking for!

Sometimes the amount of denial I witness is astounding. I have just read not once, not twice, but thrice! Seperate comments by everyday Amurcan Joes who claim that:

A- Our administration performed no dishonest behavior in the lead up to the war in Iraq. That there was no misrepresentation to the public and that the Plame issue is completely groundless.

B- Rove and Libby are innocent upstanding patriots who would not harm a fly.

C- That his approval ratings are a lie, they are really much higher.

D- That his detractors are just making all this shit up to bring down a good hardworkin man.

E- Our economy is better than ever.

and let me not forget...

F- Bush and Cheney do not support torture, anywhere at any time.

Now, you would think that with all the evidence out there, which has taken years to amass by the way, that any reasonable person could accept the fact that maybe our Executive Branch has been a bit shady the last few years. Thats not to say that Bush and co are responsible for all the worlds problems. HOWEVER, people seem to forget it was Bush who said, "I will bring integrity back to the white house". What's that? You ask who has been indibted lately? Why that would be ole "Scooter", Vice President Cheney's top confidant and Bush policy maker. Who is also caught up in criminal conspiracy? Karl "The Saint" Rove? Get outta here.

Seriously though, to all you crazy Bush cheerleaders I say go read the papers. Read papers with conflicting agenda's, or just fucking read something, there is no denying what is going on now. To the mindless Republicans who support government corruption (and unintentionally the destruction of your own party) because they dont want to see the ugly truth. I say pull your heads out of your asses and fight for your parties true values. Think for yourselves, and do what I say. Vote McCain.

One last little bit...
McCain pushed a bill through congress abolishing torture. Bush says we need to be able to torture people. Then McClellan makes a claim today that Bush doesnt support ANY American performing torture. C'mon, I know these are the droids I am looking for, your jedi mind tricks wont work on me anymore.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Four Types of Naggers

I got this from a friend, great stuff....

A female nagger can be classified in one of four groups:

The Innocent: This is the one nagger that doesn't really mean to nag. She brings up problems that she has to make you aware of, but tries to do so without making you angry or starting an argument. Chances are her intentions are good, she just needs a little work on her approach.

The Chatterbox: This nagger never seems to stop. But her nagging rarely escalates into real fights because you've probably learned to effectively zone her out (by the way, this is a good method; just don't let her catch you).

The Riddler: Ah, the nagger that nags without nagging (say that five times fast). She says things like, "Would you like to try and guess why the green plates are not in the cabinet?" You have no idea what she's talking about and she knows it, otherwise why would she be asking in the first place?

The T-Rex: If she doesn't rip your head off while screaming at you, you got away lucky. It seems as though she actually grows horns when the nagging starts, the room gets a little darker, you know it's coming and there's no place to run. Scientific studies conducted within laboratories showed conclusive evidence that she may very well be one of Satan's minions. Good luck with all that.

Now thats just not right

Chavez warns of spooky US Halloween 'terrorism'
Oct 31 7:51 PM US/Eastern

President Hugo Chavez cautioned Venezuelan parents to protect their children from Halloween with a spooky warning that the US tradition is rooted in "terrorism."

"What they have implanted here, which is really a 'gringo' custom, is terrorism," Chavez said, quoted in the local press. "They disguise children as witches and wizards, that is contrary to our culture."

Chavez often lashes out at the US government, which he has described as "terrorist" and accused of plotting his assassination. But this time his warnings were directed at the American celebration that combines costumes and candy.

He issued "an appeal for reflection by parents" not to encourage their children to dress up for the holiday.

His comments came after authorities in Caracas recently seized pumpkins, cardboard skeleton costumes and other traditional Halloween items inscribed with anti-Chavez messages.


Going after Bush, sure, that is a hobby for Chavez. We have come to expect it. Kicking out christian missionaries who subvert local culture through direct bribery? Sure why not, but attacking Halloween? C'mon man, thats just un-American. Seriously though, Halloween is rooted in Terrorism? The fallacy in his logic defies all good sense. How does he build that bridge of reasoning?

It is entertaining to watch his antics sometimes. On the world stage he is quite the card. Like when he got Jesse Jackson to meet with him after one of our biggest fundamentalists called for his assasination. But Halloween is where I draw the line. What is he trying to say, that non-'gringos' cant participate in the holiday? Or that children hide grenades in their little plastic pumpkins when they go trick or treating? Im not upset, but this Bush strategy of creating a sense of impending danger to make the people feel compelled to follow him is getting old.

He should get a better domestic strategist. Perhaps one who is ok with people having freedom to assemble or writing whatever they want on thier costumes.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy All Hallow's Eve

Aka - All Saint's Day
Aka - Samhain
Aka - Halloween

Yes, it is here! The time when the wheel of seasons turns. The time in the old days which marked the beginning of winter and the dying of the old year. The beginning of the world's hibernation and additionally, the time when the veil between the spirit and physical world's are at thier thinnest. When the spirits of the dead can cross over and settle affairs of the past.

They say this is also the time when that stingy old Irish bastard, Jack, wanders the lands of the dead. Holding in front of him his ghostly lantern, a pumpkin (or turnip) with a burning coal from hell lighting it up from the inside. Ole Scaley tossed it at him when he banished wily Jack from entering the gates of hell. Since he was also banned from heaven, Jack wanders the roads of the dead, forever searching for a place to put up his boots. His way lit by that hellish lamp. Otherwise known as the Jack-o-Lantern.

Legend also has it that on this day and night the spirits of the dead wander the lands in greater numbers. To protect themselves, villagers would give themselves horrific countenances to ward off thier spectral callers. The tradition still lives on in a hybrid form now, with people wearing scary costumes on this holiday.

While we may not regard this day in the same way society of old has, I think it is still appropriate. If this is indeed the marking of our entry into winter, and our recognition of the nights ghostly traffic. Then revelry honoring traditions of old on this eve, and celebrating the vitality of our life is indeed a worthy persuit of the day. Our time is short enough on this earth as it is, best not to waste it as curmudgeons. My suggestion is to think on this when planning your evening. Kudos to you who have read this far, I wish you the flush of inspiration on this All Hallow's Eve.

One smidgen of text I think is quite evocative:

Empty your heart of its mortal dream.
The winds awaken, the leaves whirl round,
Our cheeks are pale, our hair is unbound,
Our breasts are heaving our eyes are agleam,
Our arms are waving our lips are apart;
And if any gaze on our rushing band,
We come between him and the deed of his hand,
We come between him and the hope of his heart.