Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Miracle or medicine?

Baby is clinically dead for 30 minutes, then comes alive

You can find the article relating to it here: Dead baby article

The idea of a miracle is that some agent of God's (or God himself) comes in and contravenes natural law. Thus making the event special enough to be called a miracle. At least that was Hume's definition of it, and most philosophers would try to force you to use this assessment.

A baby was dead for 30 minutes, and then came alive. Hume himself said such a thing was impossible. A person coming back to life would defy the laws of nature as we know them. Yet, with the advance of technology, we now know that there is clinical death, and biological death.

What other forms of death will we discover and defy in the future?

Will we have to redefine our concepts of the laws of nature as time progresses? Is that definition of a miracle appropriate given our mindset and society we live in? Ideas like "little miracles" are pervasive throughout theist society. Could God interceding through natural laws be construed as a miracle? I just felt like putting my thoughts down for a moment. I will leave drawing conclusions to a later post perhaps.

Yes I poached this joke, but its funny

In light of recently being bombarded with news of that ridiculous circus (that involves human vultures fighting) over Anna Nichole Smith's corpse, I think the following joke is overdue...

Q: What's the definition of necrophilia?
A: The urge to crack open a cold one.

Off colour, not mine, but I laughed.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Movie Review: Lady in the Water

I know it has been a while since I have reviewed anything. So I said to myself "we must review it precious, we must!"

The Good

So much to choose from. I suppose I will start with Paul Giamatti.

Dude kicks ass in this movie. He plays a man who has hit bottom. Even so, his character is still helping others. I cant think of a lot of actors who can look so... normal. He did an excellent job at seeming like a caring, messed up (emotionally) guy. He found greatness at the end, but only by letting go of everything he had been holding in.

Even though this is a children's story, it resonates on many different levels. It...
  • touches on the theme that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things

  • displays that regardless of one's personal rut, a reawakening can turn things around

  • treads upon the theme of belief

  • illustrates the idea of letting go to become whole

  • alludes strongly that everyone is connected

  • shows that annoying movie critic get his ass chewed off

  • All good things. :)

    Next we have Bryce Dallas Howard. Im not really down with the name. But she did an excellent job portraying her character in this quirky nymph out of water story. Get that double meaning? I amuse myself.
    Just get an eyeful of that girl. In the words of Bob Barker, "I don't want a piece, I want the whole thing!".

    Despite the pacing, the characters are interesting enough that I enjoyed following them through the movie. Like the movie critic guy, what an effete bastard. I love it.

    Or the guy who only works out one side of his body. Who thinks up this stuff? After I stopped laughing I totally dug it.

    I also love the fact that this movie is deeply rooted in reality. The fact that the Scrunt couldnt be seen unless it wanted to. Or by those chosen to see it, helped reinforce that this was a real world fairy tale. The old lady and her daughter were hilarious too.

    The Bad

    The pacing was a wee bit slow, but like i said, the characters and the story were good enough that this didnt kill the movie. It was mixed up enough to keep me quite interested.

    This kid comes off as a smartass little puke and that pisses me off. I did not believe him in this role. In fact I havent seen him play any role that I liked. Jeffrey Wright (the guy who played his dad) on the other hand, was fricken awesome. I think it was a disservice to pair him with this kid. I didnt feel the empathy between father and son.

    The monkeys at the end.. why didnt they kill the buff guy? Continuity error or am I missing something?

    I'll leave the part of about M. Night casting himself as the visionary that has a revolutionary message for the world alone. The media already beat him to death over it far more eloquently than I could.

    I dont want to ruin the plot, you should watch this movie. GO WATCH IT NOW! So I will go right to...

    The Rating
    This movie gets a solid 9 out of 10. For those of you who dont like it, I think you just didnt get it. There are so many different thematic threads in this movie that you could watch it multiple times and not catch all of them. It was well acted, excellently directed. Dogs with grassy fur, chicks who dont wear pants, badass monkeys, giant eagles, spiritual rejuvination, pool parties, what's not to like? Well done M. Night Shyamalan!


    I suppose there is being, and living. I think most think of being as living, so i will use that word. I just heard something that really gave me a minor shakabuku moment. We, on average, or if we are lucky, get 75 years in life. 75 winters, 75 summers, which doesnt seem like that long when one thinks about it.

    Now, this leads me to think... well shit, i got to get out and do stuff cause i dont want to waste that time. But then, I dont think it means i should listlessly muck about wasting energy. I think living is doing that which you enjoy, or trying to pursue your dreams. If not instantly then at least earnestly. I think if one does that, then I think their time is not wasted.

    Sunday, February 25, 2007

    Little infuriating decisions

    You people... who make the following decisions. I want to pimp slap your lips off!

    You who...

    * Decided that you would package hotdogs and hotdog buns in different numbers.
    Yes, it forces me to either waste hotdogs or buns. Or continuing buying new ones until i can mathmatically even them out.

    * Thought it would be a good idea to NOT put the usb converter cable in the printer box.
    So that not only do i have to buy the printer, but i have to go out and get the fucking cable too. Or buy it from you at an overinflated rate. Bastards.

    * Sell battery operated products and then dont include the batteries.
    How hard is it to create a synegistic partnership with a battery company and increase both of your profit margins? You would think if you are going to make a product you would assist the user in the initial means of utilizing it. But no. You lazy fucks. You could say it is lazy of me not to just go out and buy batteries. I assert that I shouldnt have to! It would be like buying a dead cell phone and not having a charger. What kind of product is that? When you buy a car they dont sell it to you without a god damn battery. Its like buying a caravan thats got no fucken wheels.


    /rant off