Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Thats a Wrap!"

Main Entry:
bur·ri·to Listen to the pronunciation of burrito
Inflected Form(s):
plural bur·ri·tos
American Spanish, from Spanish, little donkey, diminutive of burro

: a flour tortilla rolled or folded around a filling (as of meat, beans, and cheese)

Take a look at these burritos...

Did you say to yourself at any point, "thats not a burrito, thats a wrap!". You know why you did not say that, BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH FUCKING THING AS A WRAP! It is an artificial marketing term used to describe a burrito! A BURRITO! It is like the wrap is supposed to be some chic new menu item that no one ever thought of before. I am so special because I do not eat sandwiches, how vulgar. I eat wraps, like a civilized person. No you tard, you eat burritos.

Interestingly, the top one is supposed to be a wrap, and the bottom a burrito. But wait... whats this? They are both flour tortillas rolled or folded around some kind of filling... I wonder what they could be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Wrap" is to Burrito as "Advanced Interrogation" is to Torture.