Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I walked into the theatre hoping for "the Prisoner of Azkaban" good. What I witnessed was something even better. Well directed , more bittersweet, and definately darker.

The Good-
No longer do we need to go over character backgrounds. Potter and the others are so established at this point that we can get right into the action.

The dudes from Bulgaria? were pretty fricken cool. They made the Hogwart's kids look kind of prissy.

Voldemort (or however you spell it) was AWESOME. He was so evil, cruel and just creepy. I cant wait to see what kind of fucked up stuff he does in the next movie. Finally, a villain worth watching.

The dance, wonderful way to bring the craziness of a magical world down by tossing in some human failings. Once again we realize that powerful though they be, they are still kids growing up.

The Bad-
They pushed the fantastic to a higher level. One of the few things I liked about the first movie is that I could see the ties into reality and the normal mundane world. In this movie you can almost forget that there is a regular world out there. Much less grounded than the other movies, but still just within reasonable levels.

The characters from the other schools were a little underdeveloped. Also, what was with the girl champion being so lame? That just bothered me. I didnt mind the 50's femininity theme, but did their heroin have to suck so bad?

What is the deal with Ron's hissyfit about Harry being in the contest. I thought that was just lame writing on JK's part. I get that she wanted to toss some teenage jealousy in, but she blew it on that one.

The Rating-
I would rate this movie an 8 out of 10. I would definately pay to see it again or watch it at home a few times if I owned the dvd. Very well done and even better than the first three. I can not wait to see what the next movie has to offer. This concludes my movie review for the day. If you disagree with me its ok, just remember, you are wrong. :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

On Snow...

I like snow. Snow is good. Good in my belly... wait, wrong commentary.

Snow is lovely though. Im new to the whole phenom., but it seems to me that once it creates a white blanket on the waking word, time seems to slow down. It is as if there is a lesser sense of urgency than exists in those hot muggy summer months in this region. It could be because my blood is cooler in the snow, but I dont think that is correct hypothesis. Everything appears more prestine than it was. A purified picturesque landscape everywhere you look. How can one not appreciate it?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

US, the good and bad

"Watching the pathetic, old, lie-on-its-back frightened Labrador of the American media changing overnight into a vicious Rottweiler is one of the enduring pleasures of society in the United States."

This was a quote from Robert Fisk, written no more than a day ago. A talented UK reporter to be sure, but one I usually dont agree with. Like most EU pressmen he seems obsessed with jumping on the anti-US bandwagon. On this particular occasion though, I do quite agree with him. It is a pleasure to see our toothless media grow some balls and start asking the hard questions. The questions even I dont want to know the answers to. Not because I dont want to see justice done, but because I dont want to believe that our government could be responsible for such reckless misbehavior.

A thing that many forget, is that the American way works. We are a fucked up nation at times, this is true. But it is our own conscience that wakes us up from our darkest dreams and brings about a new catharsis. The civil rights era, the abolition movement, the Resolution of Apology to Native Peoples introduced in U.S. Congress May 6, 2004, the McCarthy era, and now..

We are not a perfect nation, by any means. But it is a comforting thought to know that we have the power to correct ourselves. Even facing the dark truths that we as a nation are ashamed/afraid of facing. I take comfort in the thought that the vast majority of Americans want to do the right thing, both domestically and abroad. It is inevitable that there are those who will try to lead us astray, but just knowing that such ill winds will not be the will of this country is enough to let me rest easier.

As the most influential nation on this earth our actions will resonate louder than any other. Our mistakes will be known by all, our failings will be trumpeted everywhere. Especially by those who envy our virtues and successes. But in history, if we stay true to ourselves, the character of our nation will not be mistaken. My fervent hope is that we stay true to the ideals we have always held dear, even in the centuries ahead. If we do, I do not fear for America's fate. I simply remain a proud citizen.

You know you are a drinker when...

If a party runs out of booze, you sock the host and drink his nosebleed.

You know how to say “Where are my pants?” in seven languages.

You have a lot of respect for that 80-year-old guy at the end of the bar, but you know from experience that he’s a dirty fighter.

You got in a fist fight with a wino over how long a bottle of Thunderbird should be allowed to “breathe”.

When you donate blood they store it in oak barrels.

Anyone who kisses you must legally wait half an hour to drive.

You enjoy cooking with wine, and sometimes you even put it in the food.

You’ve been cut off during communion.