Friday, November 11, 2005

Moments only

We honor the man who recklessly enters the unknowable abyss. Who for but a moment becomes a whirlwind of action. Casting off all caution and doubt he becomes iconic, enviable. From a simple, flawed member of humanity to an adonis. A storm of such intensity that he scars our psyche for years to come. Even after time has passed he is still remembered for that moment, long ago, despite his current disposition. They say that is glory, and that it stays with a man.

Intelligent Design in Kansas

Let me preface this by saying that if anyone honestly supports the concept Intelligent Design (in a science class) they likely do not understand concept of "Science". What pisses me off about the whole Intelligent Design crowd is that they try to foist this invidious drivel off as science. They remind me of big tabacco corporations which tout that smoking can be good for you. Dont hate the playa, hate the game baby. Fuck you ID pusher man, I rule you with my vitriolic denial. Intelligent Design has about as much of a chance of bearing scientific value as my left testicle has of winning the nobel peace prize.

In fact, the proponents of this theory spend more time trying to justify why its not creationism in thier writing than they do laying evidence to their claims.

Moving on...

ID is the hypothesis that some things in nature are simply too complex to have evolved by natural selection, and therefore must have been “intelligently” designed.

In Behe’s testimony he cites the miniature molecular motors, called flagella, that allow bacteria to swim as an example of this. The development of flagella and the blood-clotting mechanism, which requires at least 30 different proteins to work together, are “irreducibly complex”, he argued.

Oh really? Thats your theory? Look thats complex! Some great designer must have created it. Look thats not complex, that thing obviously has no designer. Look there's an alien, lets have sex with it. Who determines what is complex or not? Some choleric nut with a penchant for eyeballing bacteria? Thats the great revelation of our time? Im floored by the such significant coruscation.

My ultimate point here is that this is not science. You want to teach that to your kids, more power to you. I have no problems at all with people believing there is a god. But make no bones about it, this ID is not science. Its philosophy at best. Dogmatic tripe in the guise of academia at worst. It has religious overtones. It's creators are all associated with religious institutions and/or previous creationist organizations. We wont be fooled by these scurillious rapscallions. Well, Kansas might, but you know, its Kansas. They change their educational curriculum like Pam Anderson goes through panties. Nuff said.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Now thats just cool!

The Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response (PHASR) rifle was developed at the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico, US, and two prototypes have been delivered to military bases in Texas and Virginia for further testing.

Now how cool is that? We have phasr's! Aint science fun kids?