Wednesday, October 26, 2005

No Torture in my name!

Check this... my comments are below...

Cheney and Torture

Charlie Savage writes in the Boston Globe: "Senator John McCain yesterday warned that a push by the White House to exempt overseas CIA agents from a proposed ban on mistreating prisoners in US custody would exacerbate the problem of detainee abuse by giving interrogators legal authority to torture suspected terrorists. . . . .

"McCain went public with his concerns after published reports yesterday that Vice President Dick Cheney met with him to urge changes to his widely supported proposal to outlaw cruel and degrading treatment of detainees by any US official. Cheney suggested exempting CIA counter-terrorism agents working overseas, but McCain balked."

The Washington Post editorial boardtoday minces no words: "Vice President Cheney is aggressively pursuing an initiative that may be unprecedented for an elected official of the executive branch: He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans . . . .

"The Senate's earlier vote suggests that it will not allow such a betrayal of American values. As for Mr. Cheney: He will be remembered as the vice president who campaigned for torture."


Now im no legal expert, but im pretty sure that cruel and unusual punishment is illegal in the United States. Im also no fan of cowards who willfully murder innocent men, women and children. I recognize that some of these terrorists have information we need to aquire for national security purposes, but there are some things that seperate us from those animals. Humanity is one of them.

My opinion of Cheney wasnt that high before, but even I thought he was less base than this. As an American citizen I say enough is enough. No torture in my name. No desecration of religions in my name. I'll take my chances with being humane. America should set an example to follow, not to scorn. Unfortunately, our executive branch seems to want to take us down a darker path. Thankfully, some of our representatives, like McCain are standing up for what is right.

Such high level endorsement of torture shames us as a nation. Its about damn time that someone stood up to these jackbooted white house staffers. It is also good to see Republicans actually doing what is right. This has been too long in coming.

I never thought id see the day

Empires are afeared my friends.

Bush is battling for his political life. His supreme court nominee is being neutered by the GOP. His aides are close to being indicted and sacked. His war is losing public support. Our national debt is out of control due to many of his fiscal decisions. The scales are falling from the poeples eyes and his support is lower than ever. I almost feel bad for him, until i think of how much he has screwed our country. 'Lion in Winter' my ass. More like monkey getting his just desserts.

Then you have Microsoft. Embattled on all sides and facing the prospect of being eclipsed by Google in key markets. Who woulda thought? MS is actually banding together with Yahoo of all things to try and combat Google and thier crazy technology. Now, im not a Microsoft hater like many, but I dont mind them being force to be competitive.

A farewell to kings indeed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Movie Review: Batman Begins

I give this movie 3 out of 5. Thats right, 60%, meaning it is just ok. Im so tired of seeing people running about and ranting that this is such a great movie. It isnt. For those of you who think it is, I have something for you. Here is a quarter, go buy some taste. Then go back and watch the movie again.

Now that that is over with. Let me get to the movie. It was not bad per se. There were definately some very entertaining moments in it. The scene where he summons the bats was different from previous batman movies. It was inventive, yet fit with the overall genre. This was a good thing. Bale doing a suedo Two Face/Batman routine where he changed voices when he put on the Batman suit just drove me well... batty. I mean c'mon, watch out, he's using the grr.. I am the dark knight voice. Bad guys beware. It was silly, and unnecessary.

Moving on. The wench. Holmes looks good, but I didnt feel that she was the right girl for the role. She was decent, but they could have put many a young actress in there and had the same results. Now our villain, he was inspiring! He did the job of giving you that 'I want to wash myself after meeting him' feeling. Overall, it was a decent movie. Worth renting at home. Id put it next to orginal batman. Hey, at least it was better than that one batman with clooney and his nipple suit.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Ruminations on Dumb People

I am sure you have heard this expression "I hate dumb people" or its clever brother "I hate stupid people". For those of you who agree I say - Fuck you. For those who roll their eyes at the sniveling whiners who utter such declarations I applaud you. What really drives me hatchet mad about this exclamation is the fact that those who utter it generally do so out of irrational vexation. I mean really, someone is driving slower than you like, so they are stupid? Someone performed a minor gaffe so now they are slow of mind? Since when did these people become such sagacious monitors of the human condition?

That crap pisses me off to no end. To quote "There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch." Well toss these winners on that list as well. Now, for those of you who realize that you dont really mean what you say in your mad fits of deprication, I say I understand. We all make mistakes. For those of you who dare to presume you hold some special place in the genetic pool of mankind I say look to your own house you asshat. Take some advice from a hypocritical bastard like me and stop being intolerant.

Hello World!


void main(void)
char *message[] = {"Hello ", "World"};
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
printf("%s", message[i]);

Yes, this is a launching post for me to spew forth every bilious
thought that passes through my sleep deprived mind. Beware and
tremble in awe...