Friday, May 04, 2007

Thoughts of the day

Ok kiddies gather round uncie smitty and let him tell you some important things to ponder.

Today we are going to talk about AWARDS

The Shenanigans Award

This one goes out to our very own paragon of justice in America. You got it kids, Gonzo himself! He got caught lying about the lawyers, he cant run his own department, but he can come up with ways to violate the geneva conventions. Now his own party is calling Shenanigans on him. Someone want to give Alan Specter a gun to pistol whip him with?

The Go Team Award

The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that windmills wont stop acid rain. The also might endanger some bats and birds and drastically reduce coal emissions and other environmental pollutants. Now, we havsto protect the birdies. Its ok to slash and burn the forests for coal mines. Killing countless animals with coal based pollution and habitat destruction, eh... par for the course. But dont let those birdies get whacked by a wind turbine. Might as well just scrap the whole clean energy initiative and spend 20 more years thinking of 'alternate energy solutions'. GO TEAM!

The We Love our Executive Branch Award

Yay! Do I really need to elaborate?

The Happy Townie Award

The Murphy's won the BCN awards. The Sox whooped Yankee ass. That one homeless guy isnt molesting total strangers in the common anymore. Life is good for a townie.

The... well uh...

I dont know who the fuck these guys are, what they are supposed to be dressed up as, or what the hell they are doing... what the fuck ARE they doing?

Well thank you for viewing the awards, dont say I never did nothin for ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your awards.

Though there really needs to be a special award for getting rid of habeas corpus.