Friday, May 04, 2007

The e-mailer

Have you ever encountered one of those people, you know... the ones who like to e-mail? Now, I admit it, I use e-mail. I use e-mail when I have something to say and I dont want to use snail mail or texting. But SOME people go wayy overboard. You know what im talking about.

They send you a quick e-mail asking you some random inanity. So you answer right? Then they respond with a fucking book in your inbox. And if you dont respond to EVERY POINT in that goddamn book of an e-mail they bitch about you not being responsive on e-mail.

It makes me want to kick these people into a well and force them to have to only communicate by shouting up to the people at the top. Either that or spamming their inbox until their mail server crashes. The well sounds more fun though.

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