Monday, October 24, 2005

Ruminations on Dumb People

I am sure you have heard this expression "I hate dumb people" or its clever brother "I hate stupid people". For those of you who agree I say - Fuck you. For those who roll their eyes at the sniveling whiners who utter such declarations I applaud you. What really drives me hatchet mad about this exclamation is the fact that those who utter it generally do so out of irrational vexation. I mean really, someone is driving slower than you like, so they are stupid? Someone performed a minor gaffe so now they are slow of mind? Since when did these people become such sagacious monitors of the human condition?

That crap pisses me off to no end. To quote "There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch." Well toss these winners on that list as well. Now, for those of you who realize that you dont really mean what you say in your mad fits of deprication, I say I understand. We all make mistakes. For those of you who dare to presume you hold some special place in the genetic pool of mankind I say look to your own house you asshat. Take some advice from a hypocritical bastard like me and stop being intolerant.

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