Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I never thought id see the day

Empires are afeared my friends.

Bush is battling for his political life. His supreme court nominee is being neutered by the GOP. His aides are close to being indicted and sacked. His war is losing public support. Our national debt is out of control due to many of his fiscal decisions. The scales are falling from the poeples eyes and his support is lower than ever. I almost feel bad for him, until i think of how much he has screwed our country. 'Lion in Winter' my ass. More like monkey getting his just desserts.

Then you have Microsoft. Embattled on all sides and facing the prospect of being eclipsed by Google in key markets. Who woulda thought? MS is actually banding together with Yahoo of all things to try and combat Google and thier crazy technology. Now, im not a Microsoft hater like many, but I dont mind them being force to be competitive.

A farewell to kings indeed.

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