Monday, February 26, 2007


I suppose there is being, and living. I think most think of being as living, so i will use that word. I just heard something that really gave me a minor shakabuku moment. We, on average, or if we are lucky, get 75 years in life. 75 winters, 75 summers, which doesnt seem like that long when one thinks about it.

Now, this leads me to think... well shit, i got to get out and do stuff cause i dont want to waste that time. But then, I dont think it means i should listlessly muck about wasting energy. I think living is doing that which you enjoy, or trying to pursue your dreams. If not instantly then at least earnestly. I think if one does that, then I think their time is not wasted.


Anonymous said...

I'm following my dreams, big brother. But please, explain to me how writing an eight page prostitution research paper is helping me not waste one day of my 24th winter. Love you.

Anonymous said...

It occured to me some months ago that living is found in NOT being bored. Weather by means of doing what you want to do or doing what you have to do.

Course on average... women in my family.. we have about 85-100 years to kill so I better stock up on hobbies ;p

Never be bored.