Tuesday, August 28, 2007

An excellent watering hole

This is exactly what I need...

get your mind out of the gutter sicko, I'm talking about the bar. I recently went to the city (San Francisco) and visited my sister's local bar. This place is a pit that is full of salty scum the likes that you would only find in an inner city libation nexus. It is the kind of place where you would need to consider getting a tetanus shot just from putting your arms on the bar. It is the kind of place where packs of dogs (literally) run amok through throngs of inebriated cutthroats. It is the kind of place that parents would not take their kids. Where guys with names like 'spider' or 'gentle brandon' or 'mad-dog mary' would be found slaking their unending thirst. In other words, it is a great place to be.

Cheers to superior watering holes!

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