Thursday, June 28, 2007


In this modern age we have public figures who behave in extreme fashions simply for the sake of gathering attention. Ann Coulter, Al Sharpton ect.. They take these crazy ass extreme positions, simply to promote their own celebrity. To what purpose? So that they can continue their jobs as public figures? The sad part is that our society promotes and rewards this behavior. The extremist gets rewarded with ratings regardless of whether they are liked or disliked, or how many lives they destroy.

Media outlets are encouraged by this sort of thing. Yet what does this say about our society and the kind of decay we are suffering? These people should be exposed for the hatemongers they are and ostracized from the general list of acceptable public figures. Yet here they are in full ink, slandering other people with no fear of consequence. Seeking out controversy to get their names yet one more time in the news. The truly sickening thought is that we are all to blame for allowing this to continue.

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