Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy tidings for the holidays in Washington

So the last couple of days when I have cracked open the news I have seen naught but good things. The Senate has shot down the patriot act. Even though Bush tried to force them to sign it as is. They even offered to compromise on it and he refused thinking they would cave just because the house gave it a thumbs up. Go Senate, let that piece of hogwash expire.

We have the information about how DeLay lived like a king off of campaign contributions. This only further destroys his posturing of not abusing funds. The courts even denied him a faster trial and decided to try him on the courts timetable. Go justice system for not caving to the man!

Moving on, Bush is now under fire for extending wiretaps without warrants on American citizens. Being that he could not hide the fact that he did it he came out and admitted it. When I read bi-partisan comments of how its a breach of the law and the will of congress I laughed. I couldnt help it. Its about time our officials are held accountable for their actions. It hasnt happened yet, but this is a good step in that direction.

All in all Id rate the score:

People - 1
Bush Team - 0

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