Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Now thats just not right

Chavez warns of spooky US Halloween 'terrorism'
Oct 31 7:51 PM US/Eastern

President Hugo Chavez cautioned Venezuelan parents to protect their children from Halloween with a spooky warning that the US tradition is rooted in "terrorism."

"What they have implanted here, which is really a 'gringo' custom, is terrorism," Chavez said, quoted in the local press. "They disguise children as witches and wizards, that is contrary to our culture."

Chavez often lashes out at the US government, which he has described as "terrorist" and accused of plotting his assassination. But this time his warnings were directed at the American celebration that combines costumes and candy.

He issued "an appeal for reflection by parents" not to encourage their children to dress up for the holiday.

His comments came after authorities in Caracas recently seized pumpkins, cardboard skeleton costumes and other traditional Halloween items inscribed with anti-Chavez messages.


Going after Bush, sure, that is a hobby for Chavez. We have come to expect it. Kicking out christian missionaries who subvert local culture through direct bribery? Sure why not, but attacking Halloween? C'mon man, thats just un-American. Seriously though, Halloween is rooted in Terrorism? The fallacy in his logic defies all good sense. How does he build that bridge of reasoning?

It is entertaining to watch his antics sometimes. On the world stage he is quite the card. Like when he got Jesse Jackson to meet with him after one of our biggest fundamentalists called for his assasination. But Halloween is where I draw the line. What is he trying to say, that non-'gringos' cant participate in the holiday? Or that children hide grenades in their little plastic pumpkins when they go trick or treating? Im not upset, but this Bush strategy of creating a sense of impending danger to make the people feel compelled to follow him is getting old.

He should get a better domestic strategist. Perhaps one who is ok with people having freedom to assemble or writing whatever they want on thier costumes.


Fyuzhn said...

I dunno, I think Chavez might be on to something here. I know *I* feel terrorized when little kids hammer on my door, trying to extort candy... And what about when you run out of sweets? Even if you're polite and kind about it, they point and screech at you like the little kid in 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'... **grin**

Fyuzhn said...

I think Chavez is trying to prolong his stay in the media spotlight for a good reason. The U.S.'s current policy is "If we don't like it, we're gonna shoot it." Given that Chavez controls a major oil supply, is friendly with countries the U.S. is on cold terms with, and has a government system that doesn't exactly match our own, he's got a right to be a little twitchy. If, in time, Bush points to Venezuela and says "Gimme!", Chavez has the 'I told you so!' card and symapthies around the world. I think if that were to happen, the international response would be much more severe than with Iraq. After all, you just can't equate Chavez with Saddam.

The Sagacious Dodger said...

You do have a point, they do screech something aweful if you don't feed them the sweets they demand. Heh.

I think Chavez's strategy of pointing the finger like that is a bit wily. He can say I told you so if something bad happens. But it also puts his people in a state of perpetual worry as well. Which might take thier minds off of internal issues. Like civil rights and freedom of speech. I was reading on the BBC how a lot of Venezuelans arent very happy with him.