Thursday, November 03, 2005

These are not the droids you are looking for!

Sometimes the amount of denial I witness is astounding. I have just read not once, not twice, but thrice! Seperate comments by everyday Amurcan Joes who claim that:

A- Our administration performed no dishonest behavior in the lead up to the war in Iraq. That there was no misrepresentation to the public and that the Plame issue is completely groundless.

B- Rove and Libby are innocent upstanding patriots who would not harm a fly.

C- That his approval ratings are a lie, they are really much higher.

D- That his detractors are just making all this shit up to bring down a good hardworkin man.

E- Our economy is better than ever.

and let me not forget...

F- Bush and Cheney do not support torture, anywhere at any time.

Now, you would think that with all the evidence out there, which has taken years to amass by the way, that any reasonable person could accept the fact that maybe our Executive Branch has been a bit shady the last few years. Thats not to say that Bush and co are responsible for all the worlds problems. HOWEVER, people seem to forget it was Bush who said, "I will bring integrity back to the white house". What's that? You ask who has been indibted lately? Why that would be ole "Scooter", Vice President Cheney's top confidant and Bush policy maker. Who is also caught up in criminal conspiracy? Karl "The Saint" Rove? Get outta here.

Seriously though, to all you crazy Bush cheerleaders I say go read the papers. Read papers with conflicting agenda's, or just fucking read something, there is no denying what is going on now. To the mindless Republicans who support government corruption (and unintentionally the destruction of your own party) because they dont want to see the ugly truth. I say pull your heads out of your asses and fight for your parties true values. Think for yourselves, and do what I say. Vote McCain.

One last little bit...
McCain pushed a bill through congress abolishing torture. Bush says we need to be able to torture people. Then McClellan makes a claim today that Bush doesnt support ANY American performing torture. C'mon, I know these are the droids I am looking for, your jedi mind tricks wont work on me anymore.

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