Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Keep your hands out of my cookie jar!

First off...

I do not like stimulus plans.

Anything that involves the government putting us in more debt or wasting our money is generally something that I am against.

That being said, if we have to have a stimulus package that is worth almost 1 Trillion dollars... it damn well better do its job. What is the purpose of the stimulus bill?

To create jobs in the United States of America.

Create jobs in China? No.
Japan? No.
Europe? NO!
For the love of God, the purpose of it is to create American jobs. To stimulate the AMERICAN economy. That is why our government in all of its wisdom is putting us and our future children in debt to pay for this plan. That is why in the bill it stated that U.S. taxpayer money was to be spent on U.S. goods and services to create.. wait for it... U.S. jobs! *Gasp!* what a concept.

So what the problem is?

The international community just could not handle that we would create a bill to stimulate our economy (with taxpayer dollars) and want to spend that money on U.S. goods and services. How DARE we?

They say we are being protectionist. Protectionism being the act of restraining trade between nations, through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other restrictive government regulations designed to discourage imports, and prevent foreign take-over of local markets and companies.

Yet we are not suggesting trade be restricted, nor tariffs be created, nor quotas be enacted. The stimulus would be a subsidy to be sure, but even the Europeans are spending their own stimulus money on their own industries.

Point being, we do not tell other countries how to handle their own stimulus measures. It is about time the butt out of ours.
